Thursday, April 17, 2008

Get it Right

I have not been a fan of Twins broadcast teams for years. Of course I liked Herb Carneal, I think everybody did. But I'll only listen to John Gord-AND when absolutely necessary. The TV crew is equally poor. You have Bert, who describes every hit as "the pitcher got the pitch up, the hitter dropped the barrel of the bat, (formerly dropped the head of the bat), and it was a good piece of hitting."

But tonight they went the extra mile. The trivia question was, "Who threw the pitch that Mickey Mantle hit 565 feet out of Griffith Stadium in 1956?" I knew it was Chuck Stobbs, not because I remember the hit, but the homer was featured and described on a 1961 Topps Baseball Card. Dick suggested it was the pitcher who started the Twins first game at Met Stadium, and went on to tell an urban legend about Pedro Ramos. What I guess he forgot was that Senor Ramos started opening day at Yankee Stadium, shutting out the Bronx Bombers
6-0. Pete Whisenant was the Met Stadium home opener starter.

But that's not the half of it. Later in the telecast, after a near wild pitch, Dick related it to a game a couple of weeks ago, when a ball got away from Mike Redmond, allowing the only run of the game to score, on a pitch thrown by Scott Baker. C'mon Dick - - it's only been a couple of weeks, and if you can't remember that frustrating game for Nick Blackburn, you should go sit by Sid in the press box.

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